10 Important Digital Marketing Fundamentals by Digital Deepak

Chethana Chenreddy
7 min readMay 20, 2020

Digital Marketing is one of the most in-demand careers right now. But when you say you want to see yourself as one of the top digital marketers, the first question asked is “What is digital marketing?” — As the term and Deepak kanakaraju says Marketing + Technology = Digital marketing. Defined simple isn’t it?

But learning digital marketing is not as easy it seems to be. It’s a process and one should always be on their feet to follow and experiment with the latest updates. I have been following digitaldeepak.com for the past 2 years and what I have learned is patience and maintain consistency in order to get results.

Digital Marketing Fundamentals

Who am I?

I’m chethana chenreddy pursued MBA in marketing(2018) and currently working as a digital marketer in a Hyderabad based startup. It’s been 1 year and I feel like I’m stuck at the basic SEO things like getting backlinks and keyword research. There has been no growth in my career and decided to join a course that really gives me knowledge and confidence to excel in my career. As I have been following digitaldeepak.com from my college when I saw his online internship program email I instantly enrolled for it. It is a great way to learn with people from all parts of the world and build a community. I believe this course will definitely give good knowledge and inputs to digital marketing.

So here I am going to write all about the first session of Digital Deepak’s online internship program. The first session is clean & well explained about the basic skills one must have or learn to continue as a digital marketer. Let me breakdown the summary.

1. Set up a goal

Since you have decided to learn digital marketing and enrolled for the course, set up a goal that you want to achieve or learn. It might be to improve your communication skills or sales skill to get a job or to grow your business or blog.

Become a blogger, video maker, affiliate marketer, grow your business. Whatever it might be stick to your goal always aim to generate value and make sure you achieve it from this internship program.

2. Finding the gold

Finding the gold basically is narrowing the niche you are going to focus on. We often think that there is a growing competition in your chosen niche and finding it difficult to sustain. But the truth is as the market is ever-expanding and solution to needs gives rise to new needs. There is an infinite number of niches available to choose what you are good at.

If you think it would be challenging to stand out in a certain niche then choose a sub-niche. There is always a need for a need.

Passion+Talent+Market Opportunity = Niche

3. Global Economics

Learning how global economics works is important to understand how to do business and to be successful in business.

  • The economy of a country goes up when the average age of the country goes up. When the average age goes up from 25 to 50 people spend more, they start making money and household expenses keep increasing. As studies have shown an increase in the average age will slow down the economy as spending decreases.
  • Debt creates expansion in the circulation of money, expansion helps in the growing economy. If you take a loan from a bank and you’ll end up depositing it in another bank and that bank uses the money you have deposited to give loans to others. This is how cash circulation expands and the economy grows.
  • Once you start repaying your debts then the cash and economy shrink that it when you have a recession. So then the central bank reduces interest rates to encourage more people to take loans.
  • You don’t need to worry about the recession as people always pay for value.

Know more about the economy by reading these books.

  1. Economic 101
  2. Currency Wars
  3. Books by Paul Krugman
  4. Books by Raghu Ram Rajan
  5. Books by Adam Smith

4. Key Basic Skill — Communication

In order to excel in any chosen career, one must need good communication skills to communicate well and making people engage with your content. No matter what skills you have without communication you will not be able to succeed in the profession.

If your communication is not good enough, make a commitment to improving it.

Easy Ways to Master Communication

  • Read a lot at least 30 mins a day. Start with simple books and move to complex ones
  • Start thinking in English
  • Listen to podcasts
  • Write a lot at least 500 words a day
  • Watch English sitcoms like friends, The office, breaking bad and more
  • Watch standup comedy shows to learn culture & local slangs

5. Future of Digital Marketing

Digital marketing will not die as marketing as a concept will not die. So as long as the digital devices and technology are there digital marketing will be alive. The world is moving towards digitalization and consumer behavior is changing, the requirement of digital presence is at peaks.

6. How Integrated Digital marketing Works?

Instead of focusing on one area to get traffic and add value to the website, it is recommended to focus on all areas of digital marketing in order to convert and sell.

Get started with creating content and building a tribe. Once you have content you tend to get SEO traffic to it and then you have social media strategy around it and then email marketing and start paid advertising and slowly sell and convert.

7. How to Select a Niche?

Your niche should be something you are passionate about and have good knowledge about it. A niche is a combination of Passion+Talent+ Market Opportunity.

You only get paid off for the investment of your time, energy, and knowledge only if you are passionate and enjoy doing it. Get better results by maintaining consistency in creating content.

The 3 major niches are Health, Wealth, Relationships, and Fashion

Create content or product that adds value to customers. If your goal is to earn 1 crore through digital marketing focus on getting 1000 customers who will pay 10,000 rupees by creating or selling valuable content.

8. How to Find Market Demand?

One should find the market demand before start selling something. First, you need to understand where the market demand is and how to go after that demand.

Few things you can do to find your market demand.

  • Use Google auto-suggest
  • Use answerthepublic.com
  • Look for amazon reviews
  • Scratch your own itch. Figure out what is the niche you are having and find what is the need others are having.
  • Talk to customers
  • Look for pre and post products or services needed for the products.

9. Why Building Personal Brand is Important?

The best known will always beat the best. There are companies that sell the same products but only the most known companies get more revenue because of branding. That’s how branding works.

Building your personal brand is important. Do not hesitate to put your content out there. Take a step and never have fear of standing out of the crowd. Grow social media traffic by showing your character and personality. The more content you publish the more you gain visibility on the internet.

Benefits of Personal Branding

  • You can create your own style and tribe
  • People want to hear from people, not from brands
  • You can get a job, close a client, or build your own consultancy or training business
  • Build fame within your community
  • Write and publish more. Do public speaking.

10. How Marketing Funnel Works?

  • Go with the free line. Start giving away free content, then charge and start charge more for your content.
  • Build trust through the funnel
  • Make the funnel automated
  • Build relationships on automation
  • To take customers to the bottom of the funnel get 1000000 people on the top of the funnel.
  • Build brand ambassadors

